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CNC Machines Jobbe XL(chuk dia - 200mm)

Power Press – 20 Tonnes, 30 Tonnes, 50 Tonnes, 80 Tonnes, 100 Tonnes

Hydraulic Power Press – 80 Tonnes

Traub Machine – A25, A32

Hydraulic Surface Grinding Machine (Bed Size: 600x300mm)

Rivetting Machine

Spot Welding Machine

Balancing Machine

Tapping Machine

Capstan Lathe

Centreless Grinding Machine

Thread Rolling Machine

Capstan Lathe

Lathe and so on...

Manpower is a valuable asset for an industry .Pee Gee Industries has got well trained Managers ,Engineers , Tool Makers, Press & Machining Operators. They are having hands on experience in design & development of press & Machining Operations.

We have recently added new machineries of various capacities and have moved out to a bigger place.

We have the capacity now to take more orders.

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